Transition Coaching


Change is part of life.

We all experience transitions in life. In our work life: re-organisation, a new employer, change of career, change of role, redundancy, retirement. In our personal life: parenthood, marriage, divorce, mid-life, injury, illness and bereavement. Whatever the transition, and whether or not we have chosen it, they require us to make changes. These can sometimes be stretching, challenging and difficult. We may be uncertain, even fearful and reluctant with a sense of loss. We may also be excited.

Some transitions can rock your boat, leave you uncertain about who you are and question what your life is about. Other transitions require you to develop new skills, change your attitudes, beliefs or behaviours.

Our transition coaching is designed to support individuals and teams experiencing change. This will include considering the needs and wants of those in your wider system affected by the change.

We appreciate the stages and emotions people go through and we will help you to navigate your route, to appropriately leave your old world and step resourcefully into your new world.

We help you to reshape yourself, to set new goals and outcomes, to create your new future.