Date: 7 December 2017
Price: £150+VAT
Venue: Lacock, Wiltshire
To book please email with your invoicing address.
Trust is core to us as humans….in both our physical and psychological survival. We both need and want to trust and at the same time we are wired to be risk averse. And trust is a risky business. In this workshop, we will explore what trust means in your work and personal life; what creates trust and distrust; what it means to be trusting and trustworthy, how to risk and remain open when knowing we may be hurt at any moment, and how trust is fundamental for high performing organisations.
This workshop will be experiential and experimental. It will pose questions as well as offer answers. We will go on a journey of discovery together, applying new understandings about our amazing neurology, and ancient wisdom about our innate fears. Come willing to explore, be curious and to laugh at the absurdity of some of the patterns that keep us stuck.
The workshop will draw on Marie’s considerable experience plus the work of others including, Paul Zak, David Richo and Judith Glaser.