Spiral Dynamics® presents a comprehensive map and a set of models and processes for understanding and affecting the different value systems and thinking systems that can influence the way individuals, groups, and organisations make their decisions and choices.
Whether you are a director, manager, teacher, coach or consultant Spiral Dynamics will offer a highly useful framework for understanding the value systems and trends affecting culture and decision making today.
You can read more here
Foundations of Spiral Dynamics
Our two part webinar series covers the foundational theories and models of Spiral Dynamics and explore its applications in practice. We will look at the sequence in which the values levels emerge and why and how they can change. Each level has a particular way of thinking, different motivational “hot buttons”, different beliefs, different learning styles and requires a different approach in management or coaching. An appreciation of this approach can help you answer questions such as:
Next Dates: 14 & 21 October 2021, 13.00-15.30 BST (with break)
Fees: £240+VAT
(VAT is not chargeable on bookings from businesses registered and situated outside the UK.)
Personal & Team Profiles
There is the option for you as a participant to complete a Spiral Dynamics Personal Values profile and a Change Report profile as part of the webinar series for £85+VAT. We suggest that you complete the profiles before the webinar and it is perfectly fine for you to do so afterwards. See here for further details of the reports.
If you would like a personal review/coaching session to with us to help you understand and interpret your profiles we would be delighted to do that. Our discounted fee for participants for a 1.5 hour session is £180+VAT.
Booking: To book please email info@thebeyondpartnership.co.uk with your invoicing details, noting if you would like to complete the profiles and also have a personal review and coaching session.