Coach Supervision Programme – (Virtual & AC Accredited)


This programme will be led by Marie Faire. Marie is co-founder of The Beyond Partnership. She has been a consultant, coach, coach supervisor, conference speaker, facilitator and trainer for over thirty years, working with private, public and voluntary organisations.

She is an accredited Master Executive Coach (MEC) with the Association for Coaching (AC) and an Accredited Coach Supervisor with AC. She is also AC Supervision Accreditation Assessment Lead. Marie is the lead trainer on our AC recognised Coach Training Programme.

Marie has run this training in the UK and internationally, in person and online for a number of years. It is a rigorous, exciting and an affordable programme with depth and substance to equip great coaches to become great supervisors. The programme meets the AC qualification requirements to become an Accredited Coach Supervisor (subject to other requirements being met – client hours, CPD, your own supervision etc.). In addition to the online modules there will be requirements for client practice, triad practice, supervision of your supervision, written work and reading .


Dates & Times (Virtaul)

Thursdays 15.00-17.30 BST/GMT commencing 18th September 2025 until 26th March 2026.
(Please note that there will be no session on 18th and 25th December, and 1st January)


Example Content by Week

1. Welcome, Programme Overview, Feedback, Showing Up, Supervisor Accreditation
2. Contracting & Fees, The Functions of Supervision and the Supervisory Relationship
3. 7-Eyed Model and Supervision Demonstration
4. The Reluctant Supervisee, Boundaries and “The 3 Cs”
5. Ethical Dilemmas
6. Questioning and Developing a Supervisee’s “Internal Supervisor”
7. Observed Practice
8. Group Dynamics, Stages of Group Development and Group Supervision
9. Team and Group Supervision
10. Working with Somatic Intelligence
11. Working with Difference
12. Creativity & Story Telling
13. Observed Practice
18th December – no session
25th December – no session
1st January – no session
14. “Speaking Truth to Power”
15. Neuroscience: Trust and Coach Supervision
16. Neuroscience: Shame and Coach Supervision
17. Trauma and Attachment Theory
18. Observed Practice
19. Working with Mental Health Issues
20. Drama Triangle, Parallel Process, Projection and Transference
21. Working with Supervisees: Internal Coaches, Business Development and Organizational Context
22. Qualities of a Supervisor: Demonstration and Observation
23. Reviewing the Supervisor and Supervisee Relationship and Assessment Overview
24. Observed Practice Assessment
25. Self and Peer Assessment, Last Orders, What Next and Closure


Programme Requirements

In addition to attendance at each session, there will be a requirement for the following:

Recommended reading
Own supervision of your supervision (at additional cost) by a qualified and experienced Coach Supervisor, who is accredited (by a professional body e.g AC, EMCC or APECS) or is eligible for accreditation
Client work
Practice work in twos or threes
Written work including: statement of approach, case study and reflective summary of learning
Recording, transcript and critique of a Coach Supervision session & post supervision addendum.


What People Say

“I attended the CSP having done some supervision training and conducted group supervision sessions for a couple of years. I truly didn’t know what I didn’t know! This programme enabled me to become a confident and skillful 1 to 1 and group supervisor in a completely different league to before. It also had the added benefit of further developing my own coaching practice. The programme is thorough and comprehensive with a great mix of theory and practice. Marie is a skilled facilitator as well as being an excellent, experienced and inspiring supervisor.”
Julia Hayward, Accredited Executive Coach and Coaching Supervisor


“WOW is how I want to start my testimonial as Marie’s Coach Supervision Programme (CSP) took me to another level as a coach. If you look at what coaches are supposed to do with their clients, many coaches, myself included, work in the confines of a safe space that we create for our clients. Why you might ask? The answer is simple because that is what coaches are taught. As a result, they operate in a very rigid systematic approach in their coaching sessions. It was not until I began the CSP and continued through to my certification that I realized how rigid I was operating. I was literally drawing within the lines and staying in the box so to speak. Through my training with Marie, my comfort zone was challenged and has helped me to be a much more flexible coach as well as quality supervisor. Now I can look at WOW and see it as ‘What Others Want’. That is why we are here as coaches and supervisors to help people get what they want out of life and in coaching sessions. I challenge you to go after the WOW factor by embracing this CSP because it will make you a better coach as well as a supervisor. Sure, you can read a book or two and get a little better, BUT why not push your comfort zone by partnering with Marie and find out what better is truly all about. “
Chris A. Hawkins – Life and Emerging Leader Coach.


“Marie creates an environment where it becomes possible to challenge yourself and your assumptions at a level of depth that I have not experienced anywhere else. Sharing this learning with other experienced coaches to build my own unique style of supervision and being assessed with a degree of rigour that makes the time invested worthwhile is a joy.”
Rob Adams, Executive Coach & Mentor


“I felt supported and challenged in stimulating and positive ways by Marie throughout the Coaching Supervision Training by The Beyond Partnership. I particularly appreciated her integrity, her ability to model good practice and the way in which her gentle and respectful questioning created insight for me. That carried me a couple of levels up in my coaching and supervision perception.
Günay ÖZARIN ÖZTÜRK, PCC, Education and Career Coach, Trainer, Storyteller


Fees (Including access to all materials)

£2750 + VAT
VAT is not payable if you have a business registered outside of the UK.

The fee is payable in whatever way works for you.

There is a maximum number of 12 people for this programme.

Questions & Booking

To book your place or ask any questions to check this is the right programme for you please contact Marie,