Lorraine is a highly experienced facilitator and consultant. Her early business experience was in the world of IT production management, marketing, sales, customer services and management training. Since 1989 she has been a working as a trainer and coach within all organisational sectors and specialises in NLP based leadership and influencing skills with senior executives.
Lorraine is particularly known for the environment that she creates with her clients that lead to life changing learning. She has had a profound and memorable impact on many people. She is gentle and yet powerful, kind and tough, quiet yet challenging and provocative.
She says, “I have worked with many wonderful people from many different cultures around the world and I am deeply indebted to everyone for co-creating my awesome journey”.
She has a degree in Psychology and Linguistics and is an NLP Master Practitioner, a certified NLP trainer and has trained as an image consultant.
Her passions are her amazing daughters, nature, uniqueness, discovery, being deeply honest with herself, authenticity and expression of talent.