David Whyte & Invitas – Conversational Leadership


Alone & Together:
A Conversational Leadership Course for the Age of Zoom

March 25th – 27th
April 22nd – 24th
May 20th – 22nd

10am – 1pm PT

Check your local time

Over 10 years ago, David Whyte and a few select colleagues began to explore the link between David’s work and the art and practice of leadership. That exploration led to formation of Invitas, a residential leadership program held over 3 sessions during 6 months. This residential program has been offered for the past 7 years with people from all over the world attending, and given the current realities and innovations on connection, they will offer for the first time an online introductory program to this work.

So David and the Invitas Institute for Conversational Leadership Team invite you to join an intensive, creative, three-month online course, looking at what David has identified as seven crucial elements for deepening any conversation. There will be a particular emphasis on the way any strengthening of the outside leadership conversation always moves in parallel with the necessity for a deeply personal understanding of our own gifts and most especially the vulnerabilities we experience through our difficulties. The course is made up of a series of talks and conversations given by David, followed by collaborations and intensive exercises from the experienced Invitas team; including small group and one on one discussion with fellow participants.

Fee: $995 USD

You can find more information about the programme and faculty and also book here, https://live.davidwhyte.com/a/43922/FXiEV9eL. The Beyond Partnership will receive commission for any bookings made via this link.

If you cannot afford the registration price due to present hardship, you can inquire about scholarship opportunities through the above link.