Spiral Dynamics® presents a comprehensive map and a set of models and processes for understanding and affecting the different value systems and thinking systems that are the basis upon which people, (and organisations), make their decisions and choices. As an approach it is growing in popularity, adopted in business, the public sector, consultancy and education.
Whether you are a director, manager, teacher, coach or consultant Spiral Dynamics will offer a highly useful framework for understanding the value systems and trends affecting culture and decision making today.
Our introductory workshop will give you a full overview of Spiral Dynamics and explore applications. We will look at the sequence in which the values levels emerge and why and how they can change. Each level has a particular way of thinking, different motivational “hot buttons”, different beliefs, different learning styles and requires a different approach in management or coaching. An appreciation of this approach can help you answer questions such as:
“Spiral Dynamics allows us to get underneath current culture and thinking to help us understand how to structure our change programme and move thinking in line with the changes in the environment and context.”
Superintendent Dave Hill, Head of Organisational Delivery, Northamptonshire Police
Date: 5th April 2017
Price: £225+VAT
Venue: TBA
For further information and express your interest please contact us info@thebeyondpartnership.co.uk