Leadership Embodiment Plus – Reconnect, Refresh & Resource


Webinar Series 18, 25 June & 2 July 2021

09.00 – 10.30 BST

I invite you to join me for a webinar series open only to those who have attended Leadership Embodiment Level 1 or 2 workshops with me. With your common experience of LE, you will be starting with a certain level of shared language and experience.

The series will provide an opportunity to deepen and extend your understanding and practice of your embodiment learning. I will be drawing on LE principles and ideas and practices from other sources and teachers, along with some of my own. I have run a number of embodiment webinars since lockdown and have been surprised how much leaning is possible virtually. The series will include,

  • Focusing on further developing your centred presence
  • Resourcing you to meet the many challenges of today’s daily living
  • Working with grounding, balance, openness, spaciousness and the power of alignment
  • Shaping energy and connection online in a Zoom world
  • Realising your intentions and commitments, even in the face of resistance
  • Managing boundaries
  • Exploring applications of embodiment with others.

There will be space in each session for your questions and conversations.

You can see some comments on my webinars here.

Price: £150+VAT

(VAT is not chargeable on bookings from businesses registered and situated outside the UK.)

Should you be interested in attending and currently have financial difficulties or if you have any questions, please email me paul@thebeyondpartnership.co.uk .

Booking: Please email me, paul@thebeyondpartnership.co.uk   and I would love to hear what you would like to get from the series.