The whole is greater than the sum of the parts, except when it is less.
This workshop is for leaders, facilitators, trainers, team coaches and supervisors who want to understand more about leading and coaching teams, group process and group dynamics to bring the best out of people when they are working together.
The synergy that is sought can only happen when a team or group is working well. Far more frequently teams and groups do not get the best out of people, they become dysfunctional and underperform. This workshop looks at the processes and practices for creating a healthily functioning group or team and at the characteristics of dysfunction, why and how it occurs.
Content will include:
• Running successful teams • Power in groups • Group life • Handling conflict • Beginnings, middles and endings • Consensus, alignment, agreement • Patterns in groups and teams • Coaching, leading or facilitating a team • Addressing issues • “Naming elephants” • Working with what is present
Limited Places
There is a minimum number of 7 participants for this workshop and a maximum of 12 places available.
Next Event
Dates: 12/13 October 2016
Price: £400+VAT
Venue: The Rectory Hotel, Crudwell. Nr Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 9EP