These webinars are offered particularly with those in mind who have attended Leadership Embodiment workshops with me, to further embed and extend their practice and somatic awareness, for themselves and in their work with others. However, if you have not attended those workshops, you are also most welcome.
Tuesday 28 January 17.00-18.30(GMT): Making A Move
When we take the time to listen what is the move we are being invited to make? What is a true move for us? What is the quality of our movement? These are the simple but quite fundamental questions we will be exploring in this webinar.
Tuesday 25 February 17.00-18,30(GMT): Rhythm & Flow
Within Leadership Embodiment centring is sometimes referred to as “being in the zone” or being “in flow”. Much has been written about flow, particularly in relation to sport and other competitive arenas. It is also something we can find in our everyday endeavours. In this session we will explore the rhythm of flow and the integral qualities of relationship, attention, energy and movement.
Tuesday 25 March 17.00-18,30(GMT): Ready & Able
Taking a step forward, stepping up, meeting a challenge, following a dream; progressing in some shape or form can bring more visibility and energetic attention to our door. Am I ready, am I able, am I enough? How do we ready ourselves to meet those concerning visitors and clearly maintain our equilibrium, perspective and intentions? How do we manage our energy and resources to follow through? These are some of the questions we will explore along with those you bring.
Each session is £30+VAT and can be booked directly with me by email,