David Whyte Sunday Talks in May


The Poetry of Self Compassion: Revealing What Is  Hidden As A Gift To Others

2, 9, 16 May 2021

10.00 am Pacific Time – 6.00 pm BST

(Sessions will be recorded for viewing later)


Self-compassion is not only a form of faith in the unique way each of us is made for the world, it is also a test of our friendship with the hidden, unknown part of ourselves; waiting, amidst the obscurity we call a self, to emerge and cast its light on the world. By following the path of self compassion, and of self discovery, we eventually dissolve the line between loving a self and loving another. In the clear light of seeing an essence of ourselves, we come to understand something of the essence of others.

Fee: $60
For more information and to book the May talks please use the link below. Please note that The Beyond Partnership will receive a commission for any bookings made through this link, https://live.davidwhyte.com/a/2147485410/FXiEV9eL


If you cannot afford the registration price due to present hardship, please follow the link and you will be sable to apply for a discounted rate.

You are welcome to contact us with any questions, info@thebeyondpartnership.co.uk