Coach Specific Training for NLP Practitioners & Master Practitioners


Next Event

9/10 January 2018
10/11 April 2018
10/11 July 2018

Plus two virtual tutorials and additional offline work.

Bookings by 9 November 2017
Self Sponsored: £2200+VAT
Corporate Sponsored: £2500+VAT

Bookings after 9 November 2017
Self Sponsored: £2550+VAT
Corporate Sponsored: £2850+VAT


Lacock, Wiltshire

To book please email with your invoicing address.

Coach Specific Training for NLP Practitioners

Anyone who has completed a full NLP Practitioner will have acquired many of the skills that they need to be a good coach, however, NLP training is not recognised as coach specific training by any of the coaching professional bodies. Until now people had to go back to square one and attend a basic coaching programme that would not take account of all of your prior learning.

Our coach programme has been designed to provide qualifying NLP Practitioners with the “Coach Specific Training” needed to apply for accreditation with either the International Coaching Federation (ICF) or the Association for Coaching (AC). Both organsisations have recognised and approved this programme.

This coach programme will assume all of your prior knowledge and experience and give you the “missing pieces” of Coach Specific Training to apply for accreditation as a coach. It will cover the core competencies, hours and assessment required by both ICF and AC.

It is likely that there will be legislation over the next few years regulating the coaching, counselling and therapy professions. Also, with the growth of the coaching profession and the development of professional bodies accreditation is becoming a baseline standard.

This programme is open to anyone who has a NLP Practitioner Certification and has completed a minimum of 120 hours of NLP training.

The Programme
This programme will be delivered in a practical, interactive and enjoyable way. You will be encouraged to focus on real situations and the objectives which you want to achieve. The group
will be kept small (maximum 12 people) to ensure interactivity and participation.
We take the view that people are whole beings. We will work at multiple levels to give you the training and development to integrate NLP with excellent coaching standards and practice.

“I would highly recommend this programme to other coaches who are already NLP Practitioners; the programme will build on what you already know and take it to another level. I am confident that whether you are relatively new to coaching or highly skilled and experienced you will gain value from this highly developmental programme. It manages to be serous yet fun, rigorous and challenging yet always accessible and supportive, structured yet flexible, and never superficial.”
LM, NLP Coach

“A life enhancing and life affirming experience where I gained valuable skills, learned a lot, developed new insights and ways of thinking/behaving. I also met some fabulous people. Marie and Paul are exceptional people with incredible knowledge, skill and wisdom which they impart with joy and generosity, creating a wonderful environment in which to develop as a coach and as a human being.”
SJ, Consultant and Executive Coach