We will be working with Andrew to look at the neurobiology of human development as modelled by Spiral Dynamics with reference to other models like the Leadership Development Framework and to Ken Wilber.
Andrew has run a number of events for us in recent years, including, The Neuroscience of Attachment: Its Implications & Applications and NLP & The Brain.
Date: 14th February 2019
Venue: Lacock, Wiltshire
Price: £195+VAT
Andrew Curran is a neurobiologist and a practising paediatric neurologist at the world famous Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool. He is committed to taking his extraordinary knowledge of the workings of the human brain into learning, development and education. He has been involved with Manchester University’s Department of Education looking at the use of emotional literacy and more recently the processing of reward in the human brain.
His book, the Little Book of Big Stuff about the Brain (published by Crown House Publishing) is recognised as one of the leading books about understanding brain based learning and the importance of emotional literacy in our classrooms and in our lives. He is a talented and internationally recognised presenter and was a main presenter on BBC3’s Make My Body Younger.
Andrew has a deep understanding of the brain and its functioning and therefore our functioning. He offers a presentation that goes beyond the frequently repeated rhetoric found in many books about neuroscience.
We are delighted he will be back with us in February.