Whatever leadership used to be — it used to be. Now, it has to be something different. Now, we all have to be more than we were. “The kind of leadership that I want to explore may not be identifiable as leadership at all. I am interested in a kind of mutually alert care and attention to the well-being of all people and ecological systems. This kind of leadership cannot be found in individuals, but rather between them. It cannot be found in organizations, nations, religions or institutions, but rather between them. I have called it Liminal Leadership to highlight the relational characteristics.” Nora Bateson.
For details of dates, venue and costs please click here
Dates, Location & Cost tbc
Nora has created the Warm Data Lab approach to systemically address today’s ‘wicked problems’. She has facilitated these labs across the world for a wide variety of institutions, organisations and communities. This programme has been created to train others in the theory and practice of running these labs and will be certified by the International Bateson Institute.
Note: We recommend that you have an experience of Nora’s work before attending this Lab. The Liminal Leadership workshop above provides a great opportunity to do that.
Nora Bateson describes herself as an “interdisciplinary interloper” she travels between conversations in different fields and with different audiences bringing multiple perspectives into view to reveal larger patterns.
She teaches internationally, leading conversations and seminars. Currently she is developing her next film and has recently published a book about the practical application of systems thinking and complexity theory in everyday life entitled, “Small Arcs of Larger Circles”.
Nora is also a filmmaker, lecturer, writer, as well as director & producer of the award-winning documentary film, An Ecology of Mind, a portrait of her father Gregory Bateson’s way of thinking, follow link here.
She is the president of the International Bateson Institute,(IBI), in Stockholm Sweden. The IBI brings together the sciences, arts and vocational wisdoms, to projects from around the world, that require interdisciplinary research reaching into and beyond the academic frame.
You can view Nora’s Blog postings here, these include, Practicality in Complexity and one introducing Symmathesy.
Here previous workshops for us have focused on Symmathesy: Learning & Change. We are working with her to create a new event working with Warm Data to address ‘Wicked Problems’.
“Really delightful and inspiring.”
“Exceptional, extraordinary”
“Wonderful on so many levels.”
“Thought provoking and challenging…..”
“Nora Bateson’s work needs to be experienced to even begin to integrate the richness it contains. The result is like being given a special lens which offers you the opportunity to see the world differently. It is truly an aesthetic form of wisdom.”
Penny Tompkins and James Lawley Authors of Metaphors in Mind