The Beyond Coach Programme


(Virtual) AC Accredited Coaching Diploma Programme

The Programme

This AC accredited programme will be delivered in a practical, interactive and (we hope!) enjoyable way. It is a rigorous, exciting and affordable programme with depth and substance to equip great coaches. We take the view that people are whole beings. We will work at multiple levels to give you the training and development to your existing skills with excellent coaching standards and practice.

The programme is led by Marie Faire, co-founder of The Beyond Partnership. Marie has been a consultant, coach, conference speaker, facilitator and trainer for over thirty years, working with private, public and voluntary organisations.

Marie is an accredited Master Executive Coach (MEC) with the Association for Coaching (AC) and an Accredited Coaching Supervisor with AC. She is also AC Supervision Accreditation Assessment Lead. Marie is the lead on our AC recognised Coaching Supervisor Training Programme.

Marie is highly experienced in training coaches and coaching supervisors. The programme meets the AC qualification requirements to become an Accredited Coach (subject to other requirements being met – client hours, CPD etc.). In addition to the online modules there will be requirements for client practice, peer practice, supervision, written work and reading .


Dates & Times & Content

The next programme will run from February 2022 – final dates to be confirmed – please write to us to be kept informed.

1. Welcome, Programme Overview, AC Accreditation, Giving and Receiving Feedback, Showing Up
2. What is Coaching? Types of Coaching and Presuppositions
3. Intake and Contracting & Fees and Coaching Contract Demonstration
4. Listening and Models of Coaching: Building Trust and Rapport and Coaching Demonstration
5. Powerful and Clean Questions
6. Observed Practice
7. The Reluctant Coachee, Boundaries and “The 3 Cs”
8. Ethical and Professional Practice: Ethical Dilemmas
9. Managing progress, holding up a mirror, challenge and “Speaking Truth to Power”
10. Somatic Intelligence
11. Observed Practice
12. Neuroscience and Coaching
13. Coaching and Mental Health Issues
14. Drama Triangle and Parallel Process
15. Creativity & Metaphor
16. Reviewing the Coach – Coachee Relationship and Closure
17. Observed Practice
18. Working in an Organizational Context and Team Coaching
19. Virtual Coaching Self-Marketing and Your Business
20. AC Coach Accreditation and Assessment Overview
21. TBA
22. Self-reflection and Peer-feedback; Practice, Revision and Q&A
23. Assessment (4-hour session)
24. Follow-up and checking in

Sessions will run virtually (Zoom) 2.30 – 5.00 p.m. on Friday afternoons except for the assessment (session 23) which will run from 2.00 – 6.00 p.m. and the follow-up (session 24) which will run from 4.00 – 5.00 p.m.

Each session will be recorded and extensively supported with programme materials. If you are unable to make all sessions please discuss this with Marie –


Programme Requirements

A separate briefing document is available detailing the programme requirements. Many of these will also form part of your application for accreditation with Association for Coaching (AC). In addition to attending the programme the requirements in summary are:

  • Log 50 hours of client and peer coaching.
  • Attend supervision. (This is at an additional cost and we will help you arrange this.)
  • Record one live coaching session, provide a transcript and critique.
  • Produce a case study
  • Maintain a learning log.
  • Produce a statement of your approach to coaching and your coaching philosophy.
  • There is a required reading list and a book review to complete.
  • Demonstrate required competencies and ethical behaviours.


The Fee

£1800.00 + VAT (individual) or £2200.00 + VAT (corporate) payable in whatever way works for you and/or your organisation.

“I would highly recommend this programme …….you will gain value from this highly developmental programme. It manages to be serous yet fun, rigorous and challenging yet always accessible and supportive, structured yet flexible, and never superficial.”
LM, Coach and Facilitator


Questions & Booking

To book your place or ask any questions to check this is the right programme for you please contact Marie, or 01437 710900




“A life enhancing and life affirming experience where I gained valuable skills, learned a lot, developed new insights and ways of thinking/behaving. I also met some fabulous people. Marie and Paul are exceptional people with incredible knowledge, skill and wisdom which they impart with joy and generosity, creating a wonderful environment in which to develop as a coach and as a human being.”

SJ, Consultant and Executive Coach